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Document a static member.


The @static tag indicates that a symbol is contained within a parent and can be accessed without instantiating the parent.

Using the @static tag will override a symbol's default scope, with one exception: Symbols in global scope will remain global.


The following example has the same effect as writing "@function MyNamespace.myFunction" and omitting the @memberof and @static tags:

Using @static in a virtual comment

/** @namespace MyNamespace */

 * @function myFunction
 * @memberof MyNamespace
 * @static

The following example forces a module's inner member to be documented as a static member:

Using @static to override the default scope

/** @module Rollerskate */

 * The 'wheel' variable is documented as Rollerskate.wheel
 * rather than Rollerskate~wheel.
 * @static
var wheel = 1;